Smart Savings 101: 17 Tricks to Ace Back-to-School Bargains!

Smart Savings 101: 17 Tricks to Ace Back-to-School Bargains

It’s that time again! Kids across America are preparing for the disappointing end of their summer break. That means parents across America are celebrating the return of the schooltime routine! But back-to-school shopping is usually met with expensive shopping trips and new items for your little ones.

Good news, parents. Back-to-school doesn't have to be a wallet-wilting event! Get ready to high-five your budget with these 17 genius ways to save money and still conquer the school supply list like a pro.

1. Inventory Check Dance

Start with what items your children will need as they head back to the classroom. Pencils? Notepads? Binders? Rulers? These may not be new things from your previous school years! Raid your closets and drawers for forgotten treasures like pens, rulers, and notebooks. A lot of those items can easily be used for multiple years (I’m looking at those binders and rulers!). You'll be amazed at what's hiding in your house that will go to good use in your child’s backpack.

2. Budget Battle Plan

After knocking out the easy items found around the house, you’ll have a clearer picture of what you actually need to buy. Now that you have your list, you’re off to the store to get what you need, right? First, set a clear budget before stepping into the school supply aisle. Those school items can easily pile up, so make sure you know what you want to spend, and if you’re coming close to the top of your budget, there may be better options than the local store for back-to-school needs.

3. Early Bird Wins

Score deals by shopping early. Trust me, procrastination is not your frugal friend here. As school gets closer and closer, deals will be harder to come by as stores know they have you on the hook. Don’t fall for those price-gouging games and shop the sales throughout the summer.

4. Shop without the Little Ones

They make the cutest back-to-school things these days. Adorable animal erasers, soft & fuzzy pencil pouches, light-up fidget spinners…the list goes on and on! Do yourself a favor and leave your children with an adult while you go shopping so you don’t get stuck adding items to your list. Although those cute add-ons may fool your little ones, you’re too smart to get tripped up with those unnecessary accessories!

5. List Like a Champ

Stick to the teacher's list like it's your saving grace. They put them together for a reason. That should be all your children need to be successful for the year. Extra items? Avoid them like the plague.

6. Swap-Tastic

Mom friends and playgroups are an amazing resource for too many reasons to count. Tap your network of like-minded moms and organize a supply swap! One mom's extra markers could be another mother’s big savings.

7. Discount Detectives

Back-to-school is coming every year around the same time, so you can use your summer to hunt for sales, discounts, and online coupons. Those savings can add up and save big! 

8. Bulk Brilliance

I’m never one to skimp on price comparing the big box store to my local store. Buy supplies in bulk, especially the basics like pencils and glue sticks. Your little one will lose enough pencils, erasers, and gluesticks throughout the school year, and your wallet will thank you for the spare supplies and extra savings.

9. Quality over Trendy

Choose quality over trendy. Kids’ style preferences change faster than their food preferences, so before dishing money on that cool superhero backpack, perhaps consider a solid, and more reliable one. Your little one will be more likely to use it long term and you won’t have to replace your school supplies before it is needed. 

10. DIY Personalization

Skip the expensive monogramming. DIY your kid's supplies with some creativity and stickers. It can be a fun weekend activity to bring the kids in on and help them to get excited about the idea of going back to school Their own personalization can be an expression of their creativity.

11. Shop Tax-Free Holidays

These magical days are like unicorn sightings. They're real and save you from paying sales tax! Although everyone thinks of big-ticket items for these weekends, you can also use them for the shopping you know you won’t be able to get around. The savings here and there really add up!

12. Reuse and Recreate

Get crafty with last year's supplies. Are the kids bored of last year’s binders? The little ones don’t like their boring backpack anymore? Duct tape, glitter, and a sprinkle of imagination can work wonders in bringing your gently used school supplies back to life!

13. Shop Online Like a Ninja

SOmetimes your local store just isn’t the right answer for your family. Compare prices online and choose the options that are most in line with your budget goals. Also, shopping online can help you avoid the temptation of impulse buying.

14. Thrifty Thrift Stores

Scour thrift stores for clothes and shoes. Kids grow like weeds, and you aren’t the only one who is confused about how fast your little one grew out of their sweaters from last year. Why break the bank on a sweater with price tags when there’s probably a sweater at your local thrift store that is just as cute and a third of the price? Because kids grow so fast, other parents will also be looking to clear space out of closets and donate gently worn items. 

15. Lunch Love

Ditch the expensive pre-packaged lunches. I know, your little one loves a good Lunchables snack pack, but packing homemade goodness will cut costs tremendously. Not to say they can’t ever have Lunchables! They’re great for field trips and special occasions. 

16. Reusable Everything

It may be tricky to make sure these don’t get lost on their way back home, but try to opt for reusable lunch containers, water bottles, and snack bags. Reusing your little one’s lunch items keeps you from endlessly buying sandwich bags throughout the year. Added bonus, it’s so much better for the environment! 

17. Off-Season Scouting

So the kids are back to school and you can finally relax knowing camps and summer childcare searches are behind you. That doesn’t mean you’re done thinking about school supplies! Summer clearance sales are your BFF. After the wave of last-minute school shopping is past, you can snag those leftover discounted backpacks and clothes in anticipation of next year.

Bonus Tip! Financial Talk Time: Turn back-to-school shopping into a teachable moment. Show your kids the importance of budgeting and wise spending. You can try to give them the cash you have budgeted and make a game of it! See who can use their budget wisest while knocking off the most items on the school year list! Giving the kids responsibility to choose their own back-to-school items can help them to get excited for the start of the school year.

So there you have it, money-savvy warriors! Back-to-school prep doesn't have to break the bank. Armed with these 17 hacks, you'll tackle the upcoming school year with confidence and a happy wallet. Who said saving money can't be fun? 🎉💰


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