Hi, I’m Emily.

Let’s talk about everything Moms have on their plate these days: Finances, kids, home balance, and more!

A little about me and why I started HomeCentsibility: I’m a logical thinker and obsessive planner. Sometimes I’m afraid I drive my husband a little nuts with my organization of our lives. Between coordinating date nights, planning family get togethers weeks in advance, and organizing our weekends, anything I can prepare for ahead of time, I will! 

So, when my husband and I finally got pregnant, we were, of course, ecstatic, as well as a mixture of many other emotions. One of which, for me, was nervousness about how wildly unprepared we were. “Can we afford this? How do I even get started with a registry? When do I let my family and work know? Is it too soon to start looking for daycare or preschool?”

Matt and I are the first in our respective families to get married, let alone have kids. So I knew, for the most part, I was left to my own devices to begin figuring out how to prepare for the monumental change that was headed our way. Pregnancy, to me, was really a 9-month long study period: taking childcare and child birthing courses, reading books, listening to podcasts, watching videos and documentaries, and finding other moms outside of my friends and family to whom I could ask questions. The more I learned, the more I realized there was an endless bounty of information out there for moms. Even with my unquenchable thirst for information, I knew I was only scratching the surface. 

Then, at the most perfect timing, my little guy arrived. My time to study was over and I had to learn on the job. No matter what people told me, or how much I tried to prepare, parenthood is beyond what I could have ever imagined. It is so all-encompassing, and primal and full of love…some days I can’t contain all the emotions that come with it! 

I recognize, parenthood isn’t a one-size fits all. It may be different for some, similar to others…My husband and I were lucky to have an immediate and unbreakable bond with our little Bean boy as soon as we saw him. Everyone’s journey is going to be a little different, but I want to share what I have learned in hopes that it can provide some relief to the mom out there who similarly may feel a little overwhelmed.

My goal with this blog is to help arm mom’s with knowledge. My stress-studying during my pregnancy sparked a love of learning around all things motherhood, so I have continued to learn everything I can. So much has changed with the introduction of our Bean. Our finances, our savings strategy, how I shop for the household and prep our meals. Let me share what I’ve learned and what’s worked for our family, in hopes that it can be helpful to you!