Give Yourself Grace, Mama. You Are Not A Bad Mom.


You are not a bad mom.

I want to say that right at the beginning because it's something you need to hear and believe with every fiber of your being. I see you, my dear friend, tirelessly pouring your heart and soul into being the best mom you can be, and it's time to give yourself the credit you deserve. The pressures and expectations placed on mothers these days are overwhelming, but I want you to know, to your core, that you are doing an amazing job.

It's true, motherhood is a challenging journey. From the moment your little one enters the world, you are pulled in a million different directions. Maybe you are caring for your existing family while also being present for the precious moments with your newborn. Maybe you’re feeling the pressure to "bounce back" physically because others expected you to look a certain way. Maybe you’re not emotionally where you expected to be. It's a lot to handle, and it's okay to feel the weight of these expectations. But you, my dear, just did a truly amazing thing. You just introduced the most amazing miracle into this world with nothing more than your body, your patience and your tireless, hard work.

I get it. You thought things would be different. Let me tell you something: You are not alone. You are not the problem. In fact, you are a winning multitasker, a loving nurturer, and a life-bringing force to be reckoned with! You are doing it all with more grace than anyone else in your shoes could ever muster. You may have moments of doubt, but I am here to remind you: You are a strong, and worthy mother.

Society makes women feel like they should have it all figured out, like you should effortlessly balance every aspect of your life. But the truth is, there is no such thing as a perfect mom. We all have our messy moments, our doubts, and our struggles. And that's okay. It's part of the journey. Your love, your dedication, and your unwavering presence in your children's lives are what truly matter.

Give yourself permission to let go of the guilt, my friend. You are doing the best you can with the resources and circumstances you have. Embrace the beautiful imperfections of motherhood, the moments when things don't go as planned, and the times when you feel like you're barely holding it together. It's in those moments that you are growing, learning, and showing your children what it means to be resilient. And someday, you may just look back at those moments as part of “the good old days.”

Remember, self-care is not selfish. It's an essential part of being a good mom. Take the time to nurture your own well-being, to refill your cup, and to honor your own needs. You deserve it, and your family will benefit from having a happy and fulfilled mom.

So, my dear friend, let go of the notion that you are a bad mom. Embrace the truth that you are a loving, caring, and imperfectly perfect mom. Celebrate the wins, big and small. Embrace the chaos and the messiness of motherhood. Trust yourself and your instincts, for no one knows your children better than you do. Although you may not get the gratitude we all know you deserve, your kids are the luckiest kids in the world to have YOU as their mama.

You are not a bad mom. You are extraordinary.

With love and admiration,



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